The word “agriculture” often evokes images of farms, fields, and livestock, and while all of these representations are correct and essential, the field of Agriculture is so much more! In Agriscience I: Introduction, you’ll explore how agriscientists play key roles in improving agriculture, food production, and the conservation of natural resources along with the technologies used to keep the field thriving. Are you ready to explore the diverse careers in agriscience and how you can prepare to positively impact the planet? Let’s get growing!
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Our cities and towns have been shaped by agriculture, with the history of agriculture affecting not just geography but economies and cultures. But all the changes that farming has brought to civilization would not be possible without the advances brought about by scientific discoveries—agriscience, to be more exact. Citrus fruits make excellent cases in point about how two simple fruits—oranges and limes—have influenced and been influenced by weather, science, culture, and economics. We’ll wrap it all up by learning about some internet resources for budding agriscientists and how to interact with poise when writing on the web or for business.
What will you learn in this unit?
Agriscience depends on the natural environment to produce food and other goods for humankind, so a healthy environment keeps agriculture healthy as well. Soil, water, and air can be vulnerable to pollution; learning where pollution comes from will help us understand how to protect these precious natural resources. Agriscientists have many best practices they can use to prevent harm to the environment. Many products, like biofuels, can also help keep the environment cleaner. Plus, we will learn how important communication is for any business, including recordkeeping, nonverbal communication, listening, and online and meeting etiquette.
What will you learn in this unit?
Now let’s learn about the secret—and not-so-secret—life of plants and the many uses they serve for humans, including shelter, clothing, food, and medicine. From root to flower, and vacuole to endoplasmic reticulum, you’ll find out what makes plants grow and reproduce. You’ll learn what nutrients plants get from soil and water, and how to categorize soil. With the complexity of plants, learning about critical thinking can help you to analyze problems using reasoning to suit your challenge.
What will you learn in this unit?
Humans domesticated animals centuries ago, and today livestock have multiple uses beyond food and fiber. Not only do animals and their byproducts play a significant role in the American economy, but we also depend on having a variety of food sources. Speaking of food, we’ll explore the nutrients animals need and why cows have four chambers in their stomachs. Also, we’ll discuss how ethical behavior is particularly important in the agriculture industry—because the health of so many living creatures depends on it—and how ethical and appropriate conduct is a necessity in any workplace.
What will you learn in this unit?
To work with animals, agriscientists need to understand anatomy and genetics, producing healthy animals that provide consumers with nutritious and delicious food products. Pests, on the other hand, need to be controlled so that agricultural animals and plants can thrive and feed the world. But managing those pesky pests often involves using chemicals, which can be hazardous. We’ll look at how to identify the dangers of different pesticides, as well as how you can protect yourself and the environment from contamination. Beyond chemicals, farms are some of the most dangerous workplaces, so understanding how to avoid accidents or handle emergencies will prove invaluable to anyone who wishes to work in the agricultural industry.
What will you learn in this unit?
Technology is science applied to real life, so let’s remember the scientific method as we consider the cool new technologies that are changing agriculture—from GPS mapping to robots. To understand the role of technology in our food system, we will trace the route our food takes on its way to our tables and explore the methods for keeping food fresh along the way. Preservatives and additives can help food last longer on its way to us, but there are also some controversies about other methods of changing food production: synthetic growth hormones for dairy cows, GMOs, and cloning. Finally, we will explore how keeping good records of production and budget can be beneficial to anyone in agriscience.
What will you learn in this unit?
Opportunities to help feed the world can take agriscientists to many places. Before you start your journey, make sure you are taking the right courses in high school to help you prepare for a career. We will explore some of the fascinating career options, and you can also begin to think about your aptitudes, desires, and interests so you can chart a course toward a satisfying choice. Success will depend on understanding the tools and equipment that are used in agricultural production, and perhaps you will even decide to help develop these technologies further as part of your agriscience career. As you move toward your goal, there are opportunities to participate in activities and internships that will help you learn and practice professional skills, such as programs with the National Future Farmers of America. And while you are honing your skills, you can practice your professionalism with appropriate dress and language and also demonstrate strong character—which includes responsibility, trustworthiness, and showing respect in all that you do.
What will you learn in this unit?
Agriculture is a business, and if you plan to work in agriscience, you’ll need to understand what makes this business profitable, which is essentially supply and demand. Those in agriscience should know the many ways livestock and crops are sold and marketed so that their contributions increase the value of these products. As global trade becomes an ever bigger part of agriculture, learning about management in a global context will help agriscientists further comprehend the changing trends in the field. Leadership skills come in handy no matter what career you choose in the agriculture industry, and anyone can develop strong leadership skills to use in this diverse and exciting profession.
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