You have gained some insight into what it takes to successfully manage a hotel, and now it’s time to pull back that perfectly pressed curtain a little further. In this course, you’ll dig deeper into hotel organization from structure to departments and staffing needs. You’ll explore management and leadership including types of managers; management styles, roles, and responsibilities; and technical and communication management skills. You’ll also learn more about the big picture of the travel and tourism industry, how to handle emergencies, growth and sustainability, laws and ethics, careers in the industry, and more! Let’s push those curtains wide open for a better view of your road to management.
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Careers in hotel management are on the rise, and the more you know about the organization, the greater your chance of success will be in the industry. You are already equipped with numerous tools and an in-depth understanding of the guest service cycle, BOH, FOH, F&B, hotel technology, and operations. So you might be wondering, what more do you need to know? Well, not only will you learn top-secret insider information to help you thrive as a manager, but you’ll also develop a deeper understanding of leadership fundamentals, communication strategies, and customer service skills that will move you from being good to exceptional in your career journey
What will you learn in this unit?
Management and effective leadership do not always go hand in hand, but they should—especially in the hospitality industry! Leadership is a core component of the hotel operation. As a result, effective hotel managers strive to be leaders. Understanding the similarities and differences between the two roles is vital to knowing where your style falls. Which management and leadership type does your personality match? Are you strict or lenient? Will you trend towards over-supervision or be inclined to allow the team to make their own decisions? When a stressful situation arises, will you keep your cool or let your emotions get the best of you? Here, we’ll help you determine your strengths and areas for growth, allowing you to ultimately decide which management and leadership skills you need to acquire to ensure success in the hotel industry.
What will you learn in this unit?
Regardless of the department in which you work, when you attain the rank of hotel manager, your role is to be a leader. Though you can have a role in leadership without a background in management, you cannot be a successful hotel manager without a firm foundation in leadership skills. Managers lacking in these skills can face a whole host of problems—from issues with communication, to inability to motivate employees, to poor company productivity, to decreased capacity for innovation and goal attainment, among others. Individuals who are serious about pursuing a career in hotel management must also be serious about learning the fundamentals of strong leadership, which you will further discover here.
What will you learn in this unit?
It’s no secret that customer service ratings can make or break a hotel. Therefore, to thrive in the ultra-competitive world of hospitality, customer service must be a top priority. Guests travel from points near and far to various hotel destinations, bringing with them a set of high expectations and occasionally, lists of demands. Managers must know how to interact with guests in ways that leave them feeling positive about the overall hotel experience. Excellent customer service is demonstrated by building strong customer relationships and addressing issues with sympathy and empathy. Soon, you too will have the necessary skills to provide optimal guest experiences, retain customer loyalty, and lead your team to do the same.
What will you learn in this unit?
As a manager in the hotel industry, you must possess a wide array of employability and interpersonal skills. And understandably, as you grow into your role, you will develop a deeper understanding of the travel and tourism industries and learn how to apply these skills to your work. You must have a firm grasp on things such as basic mathematical operations to perform tasks central to the hotel’s day-to-day operations while also striking an appropriate balance between your home, work, and community life. Over time, every piece of insight and knowledge you receive will help you to meet and exceed the aspirations you have set for yourself in this industry.
What will you learn in this unit?
The ability to communicate with one another is a necessary life skill. But let’s face it—some people communicate far better than others! At its most basic level, communication refers to the transfer of information. However, at the heart of communication lies the making of connections and the creating and sustaining of relationships. The hotel industry is all about relationships—with guests, company associates, and employees; therefore, being skilled at efficient communication is the most indispensable tool a manager needs. Understanding the fundamentals of communication is as vital to your work as breathing is to the human body. Thankfully, you will not have to hold your breath for long because here, we’ll dive into everything you need to know in terms of communication within the hotel industry!
What will you learn in this unit?
Don’t let the title scare you! Laws, regulations, policies, and procedures—they can all be intimidating, but the notion of strict rules shouldn’t deter you from learning the essential information they contain. As a manager, it’s imperative that you know your rights, your employees’ rights, the guests’ rights, and the rights of the hotel. This way, you can protect, serve, and uphold justice within your work for the community.
What will you learn in this unit?
Nearly three centuries ago, the very first lodging entrepreneurs saw an opportunity to address an unmet need. Now, with continually advancing technology and innovation, the industry continues to thrive, and we can only imagine what it will encompass in the future. Together, we’ll review key components that contribute to the hotel industry’s general success and consider the significant impacts it has on various communities. Armed with this important information, we’ll also begin to consider what impression you may leave on the industry and just how you want to get started!
What will you learn in this unit?
• Video recording device
• Presentation software
• Spreadsheet software
• Word processing software
• Access to a location where food is prepared (home
kitchen, cafeteria, etc.)
• Audio recording device
• Digital camera
• Graphic design software
• Helper
• Hotel FOH employee
• Writing supplies
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