You have a solid foundation of childhood growth and development behind you, and now it time to explore the developmental changes of adulthood- relationships, career, and family- and expand your understanding of the changes that occur throughout one’s lifespan. In this course, you will hone your communication and problem-solving skills, learn about your personal values, understand family influence, apply development theories to adulthood, and more! You will also explore career options, demonstrate professionalism and leadership, and create a custom portfolio for future use. Let’s continue learning about ourselves and those around us.
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If you ask an adult to reminisce about their high school years, you may get some very different recollections. For some, high school was the best time of their lives! For others, even the thought of high school days send shivers down their spine. So is high school the peak? Or just the beginning? What comes after graduation? Prepare to enter another new and exciting stage of life. Though you have surely seen portrayals of life after high school, none of them fully convey what lies ahead during late adolescence and emerging adulthood. Though everyone’s life plays out differently, some central components affect the lives of all individuals as they move into adulthood. We’ll explore them here.
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If you saw 18-year-old Justin Bieber on stage in 2012, it would have been hard back then to imagine that in a few years he and his wife would be preparing meals together on a reality TV show. But that’s just what you will see on “Biebers on Watch.” Justin and his wife Haley also share skincare routines, their day at a lake, and playing Jenga together. This drastic change in Justin Bieber’s pursuits highlights just how much priorities shift between the stages of emerging adulthood and early adulthood. During this transition, the focus changes from self to others, from having fun to establishing a career, as well as other similar milestones.
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One of the most significant changes from childhood into adulthood is the transition from student to a working member of society. The torch is passed from being a child provided with basic needs by your parents to caring for yourself and potentially caring for your own children. Career choices impact your lifestyle, your mental health, and even the activities you engage in. Starting your career with a solid plan, which focuses on what is most important to you your life, will serve you well.
What will you learn in this unit?
You’ve probably heard the playground rhyme, “First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage.” What you likely didn’t realize, if you have ever used that rhyme, is that you were presenting a concise outline of the process of life. Love, marriage, and starting a family are some of the most significant changes that often begin in early adulthood.
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Having an “Over the Hill” party at the age of 40 is a popular rite of passage. This party marks someone reaching the top of the developmental ‘hill’ and then heading on down the other side. It’s a humorous way to address the physical and mental declines one can look forward to. These are often fun parties, poking fun at the lucky individual who is headed into decline. While there is some truth to middle age taking you over the hill, there is also a great deal to look forward to when midlife approaches.
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While middle adulthood brings an awareness that life will not last forever, late adulthood brings an acute recognition of our humanity. With late adulthood comes the struggles that age brings as our functioning gradually declines. Nevertheless, while our physical and cognitive abilities may diminish, there are many opportunities in late adulthood for us to continue to thrive and leave an impact on the world around us.
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In the popular book Tuesdays with Morrie, author Mitch Albom visits his college professor who has been diagnosed with a terminal illness. This leads to them meeting each Tuesday and discussing all that Morrie experiences as his life draws progressively closer to the end. In their discussions, they talk about Morrie’s view of the world as he anticipates soon leaving his life behind. Similarly, in this unit, we will discuss many of the components of the final stage of life and how it impacts those left behind.
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Congratulations! You’ve reached the end of your journey in the exploration of human development. Now that your course is coming to an end, you’ll learn how to use the information you’ve gained and put it into practice. Your journey through human development has only just begun, and you can now use your knowledge and the tools you’ve accumulated to create your best life!
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